Women’s Leadership Programs Need Fixing, Not Women

"Live up to your full potential."

Keesha cringes. She has always been ambitious and eager to make her mark on the world. When her company announced the development of an internal women’s leadership program, Keesha was all in because she is well aware that the higher she goes up in her company, the more she will be the only one — woman, first-generation professional, black — at least for now. 

As she reads the flier for the upcoming program, she sighs, “potential.” She glances at the business cards on her desk, eyeing the director-level title under her name – a title she’s managed to obtain without a degree. "I wish they talked to me like a person."

Women's leadership programs need a radical reinvention. Imagine a leadership development program that doesn't begin with what women lack, but rather with what they innately possess, a program where their existing capabilities take center stage. 

Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all template; it's a dynamic interplay of strengths and diverse perspectives. It starts with a relationship with oneself and extends to others.

In my 20-year career in women's leadership, marketing, and public relations, I've had the privilege of working with women across the country through mentoring, focus groups, and coaching.

The detrimental cost of deficit thinking is significant, leading to missed opportunities, decreased self-confidence, and perpetuating gender disparities.

There is a growing consensus that we need to dismantle terminologies like "glass ceilings," "be more confident," "live up to your potential," and "executive presence" that inadvertently perpetuate disempowerment.

Here are three solutions, I've seen that moves away from the "less than" approach:

  1. Personalized Development Plans: Instead of applying a one-size-fits-all approach, it's crucial to recognize that each woman possesses distinct capabilities. Leadership development programs should be tailored to individual strengths and needs. By doing so, we can unlock the full potential of every woman, allowing them to thrive in their unique ways.

  2. Project-Based Learning: To accurately assess performance and growth, we should move towards project-based learning directly associated with the current workload. This approach provides a practical and tangible way to gauge a woman's leadership capabilities in a real-world context, fostering their professional development.

  3. Authentic Expression: Training should focus on facilitating authentic expression rather than promoting formulaic leadership styles. Women should feel free to lead in their own unique ways, embracing their individuality, and expressing their leadership styles genuinely.

The deficit model of women's leadership fails because it relies on assumptions and disregards the inherent leadership capacities within each woman. Success cannot be measured by outdated yardsticks. Leadership is not something that can be instilled; it's a cumulative effect of lived experiences, exposed and refined through time.

To truly support women like Keesha in their journey to break barriers, it's time to shift our focus from what they lack to what they are capable of.

Organizations play a crucial role in this transformation, as they have the power to create environments that not only recognize but also celebrate the diverse leadership styles women bring to the table.

It's a shift that supports women rising in their careers, not by conforming to preconceived notions of leadership, but by embracing their unique strengths and qualities.

Stop waiting for permission and stop asking!

"DEFIANCE: Thought Leadership Accelerator" is a career and skill development program to support women in becoming thought leaders in their respective industries so we can stop auditioning for our value and get paid for our ideas and not our labor.

DEFIANCE is a training program that teaches women the skills to powerfully share their ideas and expertise.

The program has two components:

  1. An online course you can do at your own pace. This course provides practical lessons on things like public speaking, writing blog posts, using social media, and networking.

  2. A 2-day live workshop. During these intense days, you'll get hands-on coaching and practice using the skills so you master them.

The goal is to give you the tools to speak up confidently, be heard, and make an impact as a thought leader in your industry.

Enrolling now.

LIVE implementation days November 15th and 16th.


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