In Case of Emergency: How Women Can Use Their Story to Break the Glass and Inspire Others

As a woman leader, you may have heard the term "glass ceiling" used to describe the invisible barriers that can hold women back from going all in on themselves.

But what if it's not about glass ceilings, but rather glass confinements? What if the biggest challenge facing women isn't what's above them, but what's around them -- the boxes they put themselves in?

One of the most powerful tools a woman has is her own lived experiences.

Your unique story, with all its ups and downs, is the key to unlocking what's truly holding you back.

Sharing your story can be vulnerable, but it's also incredibly empowering. By owning your experiences, both the good and the "bad", you connect with others on a deeper level and inspire them others. Your stories don't define you. They help others define themselves.

The challenge is we become tethered to a way of thinking and being that no longer serves us and that narrative is ingrained.

Our authentic selves linger under the surface -- covered by all the ways we have felt rejected or not valued -- to the point where we operate from that lens.

We don't see that our greatest value is the story inside of us.

When you don't know who you are, you live life like a mannequin in a box with a note affixed: In case of emergency, break glass.

  • It's time to break the glass when you've been stuck in the same job or position for too long, and you're not being recognized or compensated for your true worth.

  • It's time to break the glass when you feel like you're constantly auditioning for your value, and your ideas and contributions are being overlooked or dismissed.

  • It's time to break the glass when you're feeling constrained or limited by societal expectations or gender roles that don't align with your goals or aspirations.

How do you break the glass? Tell your story!

As a thought leader, your story helps you stand out and build a brand that resonates with others -- but more importantly -- it builds trust and honor within yourself.

But how do you get started?

Here are a few tips for using your story to finally break the glass:

  1. Own your story: Don't be afraid to embrace your experiences -- all of them. Your story is what makes you unique and relatable.

  2. Find your why: What is the purpose of sharing your story? What do you hope to achieve by doing so? Having a clear understanding of your why can help you stay focused and motivated to achieve your goal.

  3. Share authentically: Be honest and genuine in your storytelling. People can sense when someone is being inauthentic, and it can undermine the impact of your message.

  4. Use your story strategically: Think about how your story can be used to support your goals and objectives as a leader. What aspects of your story are most relevant to your audience?

  5. Keep learning: Your story is always evolving as you continue to grow and develop as a leader. Keep an open mind and be willing to learn from others.

Your experiences and insights as a woman are valuable. Use them!

We are no longer talking about breaking glass ceilings. We are coming for the whole damn box!


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