Storytelling: From the Boardroom to the Classroom

Storytelling is not a foreign concept. It’s simply a means to communicate data, facts, program details, values, emotions, relationships and transactions. Still not convinced it’s for you? Here are some examples of how to use story in your industry: 

Business Owners/Corporations – Facts and figures are a necessary part of business, but nowhere is it written that data points have to be dry. Wrap numbers in a story to help the medicine go down. Make case studies more narrative-based removing the company as the hero. 

Are you looking to retain and keep talent? Storytelling helps communicate the culture and ethos of the company. Inviting employees into a narrative gives them a shared mission to work towards rather than the bottom line. People learn better with story. Spruce up meetings and PowerPoints with storytelling.  

Give product and program descriptions a boost by using story to demonstrate outcomes and benefits rather than a mechanical account of features. Story allows the consumer to feel the need for the product, a more sensory experience activates emotional buying.

Churches – Need to fill that next event? Tell a story to illustrate how God transforms lives with each event. People get excited about God doing great things. When you tell a story of a parishioner who is positively affected by a ministry, it illustrates the goodness of people through their love of Christ. 

Individuals – In a world of division, biases and perceived notions, use storytelling to bridge the gap between differences. One of the most sincere things you can ask someone is “Will you be a witness to my life?” The quickest way to commonalities is with story. Storytelling is a great way to start conversations for social change. 

Also, try a storytelling approach to job interviews and in social settings to leave an impression.

Nonprofits – Stories are the memoirs of the mission. Story colors bland copy about mission statements, board happenings and statistics and brings the mission to life. With the use of story, potential donors and volunteers see themselves in the mission and potential clients identify the nonprofit as the true place for help, all of which makes for deeper connections and donations. 

Personal Brands -Your experiences, expertise and point of view equal your story. When you consider this equation, there is only one person who can do what you do in the way you do it — eliminating true competition. Storytelling defines your differences and helps you attract the people you are assigned to serve. Your story is someone’s survival kit. Communicate your why, value and belief system and what success looks like after working with you. 

Schools – Teachers, want to appeal to young and not-so-young minds? Teach with story. Did you know our brains are chemically wired for storytelling? Cortisol makes you pay attention, attention, dopamine processes information and oxytocin adds empathy. Activate the chemicals in the brain to develop young minds. 

The next time you have something to communicate, tell a story. It works.


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